About Everyone Loves Guitar Podcast: We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, musicians and other creatives and find out what makes them tick. If you enjoy listening to the backstory of successful people, you’ll love this show. Check out our Everyone Loves Guitar podcast online here on iTunes
Here’s something that’s pretty cool: While most of our guests are from, and currently living here in the states… I’ve had the privilege of interviewing players from all over the world. To date, we’ve interviewed people from the following countries: Austria, Australia, Benin (West Africa), Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cypress, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tasmania. I hope this list continues growing!
About your host, Craig Garber: For as long as I can remember, music has been one of the most important things in my life.
I didn’t have a particularly good childhood, and there were plenty of days where sitting in my room listening to David Gilmour, Freddie King, Jeff Beck, Roy Buchanan, and Alvin Lee… was the only thing that allowed me to have a sense of hope and optimism that at some point… tomorrow was going to be a better day.
Well, finally… as it does for everyone, time marched on, and fortunately… things did turn around. Tomorrow came, and it definitely was a better day.
And my love for music only grew.
I’d always been a student of music, and played multiple woodwind instruments and drums, as a kid. I even got to perform at Carnegie Hall one year, playing tenor saxophone as a member of the Bronx Borough-Wide Band.
But for some reason… I never studied my one true instrumental and musical love, the guitar.
However, after a couple of attempts at it in the early 2000’s… in late 2015, I decided to start playing guitar. But this time, I promised myself I would stick with it.
And stick with it, I did.
At the time, I’d just gotten over a few setbacks life had thrown at me, and one of the conclusions I came to, in thinking about these setbacks… was that I needed to set aside time to start doing more things for myself. Coincidentally, I had just turned 52, and I think… after you turn 50, some of these thoughts are a natural process of aging, anyway.
Well… picking up the guitar changed my life. The sense of peace, calm and enjoyment was wonderful.
I’ve never had a problem expressing my feelings, but doing it through the guitar gives me a tremendous sense of release and gratification.
I’d been an entrepreneur for 18 years at this point, and for 10 years I published an offline paid for subscription newsletter about selling, marketing and writing ad copy. Along with my monthly newsletter, I also included an interview of the month, which I did with a different entrepreneur or client of mine. Actually, they were more like conversations, than interviews.
I loved having these conversations, because I’m a genuinely curious person… and because I always learn a lot from listening to other people – especially when they’re kind enough to share the backstory of their personal lives.
I was thinking about these conversations one day, sitting at my desk with my guitar in my lap… and it suddenly dawned on me, “Wow, how cool would that be, if I started having similar conversations with professional guitar players?”
And that’s how the idea for this podcast was born.
So here’s what you can expect out of me and out of this podcast: Every episode you’ll get to be a fly on the wall of an unedited conversational interview.
My goal in putting this podcast together is to entertain you, and hopefully put a smile across your face. After all, who can’t use a few more smiles in their life… especially nowadays, right?
I’d love to get some feedback from you. Tell me what you like and don’t like – and feel free to make suggestions. Yes, I know I still say “ummms…” way too much. But keep in mind most shows edit them out. We try and keep things real – warts and all. If you have any comments – good, bad, or otherwise… then by all means, let me know. You can do this by sending me an email via our Contact form, or by writing to me at the address below… or by messaging me on our facebook page here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks for your ongoing listener support.
If you like the podcast, I’d be grateful if you can give us a five star review on iTunes.
Again, you can reach me by email here or write to me at this address:
Craig Garber
3959 Van Dyke Road #253
Lutz, FL 33549
Peace and Love… I’m out!
P.S. If you want to know more about me, check out some of these interviews I did: